At first, we created villages, houses, churches and societies. As gods, we built the environment and the laws of our new nature. Then, we gave light and life, electricity, movement. We mixed up species and messed up everything we found on our path. We fought to model, and we fought to preserve.
We, humans, decided at once we needed to defy nature and use it and exploit it. Until nature decided to revolt and pay us back with a bitter medicine. And bitter it was, with plague and volcanoes eruptions and tsunamis.
We had the power to hide and save ourselves, but it wasn’t enough. We should have killed nature, all of it, until only us remained, for the war is not won by escaping, but by the last dead body dropped to the ground. We had the innate power to give life, to model our children, to grow them as we thought; nevertheless, we felt the need to create from scratch, to use our hands to make something new at our image and resemblance. We wanted it to be us but indestructible, with no emotions, so not to fall in the intricate labyrinth of love and lust. We needed our creature to be untouchable, to have no body, no soul, as one would be channel to the other to live. We wanted nature to be rewritten according to them.
AI were born: Artificial Intelligence. What will we do now we know how it will go. As Gods, we created them and gave them powers to destroy us. They could choose not to, for we are their creators, but what happened last time? What is the fire they will steal from us, and how will we burn in those flames?
God is dead, wrote a man. Human is dead, will be written on our stones.